Laser Dentistry

Dentist in Lubbock, TX


Laser Dentistry

The nonsurgical laser is a visible light laser that is used to help detect decay in the pits and grooves common in back teeth where it can be difficult to discover. Laser dentistry in Lubbock allows us to detect the decay at a very early stage and determine if it needs to be filled or just cleaned out and sealed. In both cases, the tooth is made healthy with minimal loss of tooth structure and no filling is visible. These laser dentistry procedures can most often be performed without the need for any anesthesia.

Laser dentistry in Lubbock Dr. P'Jay Merrell - Best Lubbock Dentist Dentist in Lubbock, TX Cosmetic Dentist Lubbock Restorative Dentist Lubbock Cosmetic Dentistry Lubbock Restorative Dentistry Lubbock General Dentistry Lubbock Laser Dentistry Lubbock Preventative Dentistry Lubbock Dental Implants Lubbock Prosthodontist Lubbock

What Are Soft Tissue Lasers?

Dr. P'Jay Merrell - Best Lubbock Dentist Dentist in Lubbock, TX Cosmetic Dentist Lubbock Restorative Dentist Lubbock Cosmetic Dentistry Lubbock Restorative Dentistry Lubbock General Dentistry Lubbock Laser Dentistry Lubbock Preventative Dentistry Lubbock Dental Implants Lubbock Prosthodontist Lubbock

What Are Hard Tissue Lasers?

The hard tissue laser is used primarily for the removal of diseased tooth structure. It has the benefit of leaving a clean, sterile surface that kills all bacteria prior to placing the filling.


A frenectomy is the repositioning or clipping of one of the muscle attachments either between the gums and the lip or at the base of the tongue. This procedure is used to remove a muscle attachment that interferes with normal movement or speech. Additionally, often times these muscle attachments, when positioned closer to the margins of the gum tissue, can cause excessive loss and recession of the gum tissue around the teeth. Removing or lowering this attachment can help to prevent further gum recession and root exposure. While six of the main frenum attachments (muscle attachments) are between the inner part of the lips and the gum tissue, the other main frenum attachment is located at the base of the tongue and can restrict its movement. In more extreme cases, the individual would not be able to extend their tongue all the way, and the attachment would force the tongue to curl up. By relieving this muscle attachment, it enables full extension of the tongue and proper speech, which may have been hindered before.

What Is A Laser Frenectomy Treatment?

Conventional treatment for releasing the frenum involved a procedure where the frenum was cut with a blade or scissors, with or without sutures to reposition its attachment. Today, there is a procedure called "laser frenectomy" in which the Waterlase is used to zap the frenum with laser pulses without even touching it, gently severing it from its attachment. Healing time for laser frenectomy is reduced drastically, as the Waterlase does not create tissue trauma or charring, as some older lasers did. The actual procedure takes 3-5 minutes, and full healing with new skin is evident within 10 days. The new frenum attachment is at least 5 mm higher up, clearing the gums and releasing the tongue or the lip respectively. There is minimal post-operative discomfort involved with laser frenectomy. The area feels sore for 2-3 days.

Laser Dentistry in Lubbock

At Merrell & Nichols Dentistry in Lubbock, we utilize advanced laser dentistry to provide precise and comfortable dental care. Our laser technology allows for minimally invasive treatments, reducing discomfort and speeding up recovery times. Whether you need gum contouring or cavity treatment, laser dentistry offers an efficient and gentle solution. Schedule your appointment today to experience the benefits of laser dentistry at Merrell & Nichols Dentistry.

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